State and Federal Regulations (laws) require inspections for Asbestos
EPA & CDPHE Regulations: It is illegal to improperly disturb asbestos-containing materials!
Asbestos can be found in almost every common building material: Ceiling and wall plasters, drywall, compounds, and textures; vinyl floor coverings and adhesives/mastics; insulations and pipe wraps; ceiling tiles; roofing products, tars, and sealants; siding materials; flooring and wall tiles; mastics, glues, and adhesives; VCT floor tiles; vinyl floor tiles; acoustic ceiling products; “popcorn” ceilings; spray on coatings; stucco; carpeting and padding; wall and attic insulation; sealants and caulks; grouts and fillers; and many, many other materials!
Inspections must be completed by a Certified Asbestos Building Inspector
Buildings of ANY age may contain Asbestos
No matter the year of construction or any subsequent renovations or remodels
Why is Asbestos a hazard?
Asbestos is microscopic bundles of fibers that may become airborne if distributed
Those fibers get into the air and may become inhaled into the lungs; where they may cause significant health problems.
• Asbestosis - a lung disease that causes scarring of the lungs.
The latency period (time it takes for a disease to become developed) is 25-40 years.
• Mesothelioma - a cancer of lung linings and chest or the lining of the abdominal wall.
The latency period for mesothelioma is often 15-50 years.
Mesothelioma is a form a cancer with a notably poor prognosis; Mesothelioma life expectancy following diagnosis typically ranges between 8 and 14 months.
• Lung Cancer – can be caused by asbestos.
Latency period is often 15-30 years.
Cancer of the Gastrointestinal tract can also be caused by asbestos.